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Shimai Medical headhunting into the university series of public welfare training - Pharmacy College of Zhejiang University

Release time: 2015-05-21       Source: Medicine Ladder       Page views: 2951

Shimai medical headhunting&Medical ladderUniversity training into浙大College of pharmacy

Shimai medical headhuntingSenior consultant Butcher: Many years of management in the pharmaceutical industry, 7 years of experience in the pharmaceutical headhunting industry, counseling nearly 10,000 medical candidates in the career planningHuman resources in the pharmaceutical industryThe world has a high reputation。

Butcher has worked in the industry for more than a decade,And selected the resumes of many excellent managers,This paper analyzes the important role of career planning in the promotion of career field,And make a general induction and analysis of the employment direction of pharmacy students,Moreover, the post responsibilities and post requirements of each functional department are deeply analyzed。

The students who came to listen to the lecture all said that they benefited a lot, learned a lot of things that they could not learn from textbooks, and had a clear understanding of their future career direction。



About the future, about the career, about the current need to do the preparation, the students actively ask questions, interaction to solve doubts。


Interactive puzzle solving,Doctoral program

会后释疑, PhD abroad

Next, we will invite experts from various functional fields of the pharmaceutical industry to do a series of public welfare training courses in colleges and universities. For the specific schedule and location of the courses, please pay attention to the wechat signal:Ladder net


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